Wednesday, January 16, 2008

SL GS Combo

A big day today for the ski team. We were able to get in our intended back-to-back session of Slalom and GS. In the morning we got four solid race runs in of slalom on some of the best snow this year. It was definitely hero snow and it showed as everyone was ripping apart the course. All of our runs were timed and Sophie and Krista have been laying down some rippers. Hannah Brennan was sporting some cardboard shinners as she began to take on the art of shinning the gates. Her hard efforts were rewarded a strong fall, but she should be ready to go by this weekend. We were also filmed a bit in the morning by Wildcat TV and we will likely be on their video blog later this week. More to follow on that.

In the afternoon we closed down Bobcat, set a full length GS, and had timing. We had some especially strong times posted by Adam Axler who has been working hard on upper and lower body separation. DR also layed down several fantastic runs and considers this some of the best ski racing of his career. We are hoping that it will hold over until this weekend at Cranmore. Tomorrow is a rest day, though there may be a few members of the men's team headed up to Wildcat for a few early morning runs.

If you get a chance, you might want to check out some of the fantastic photos that DR has uploaded to our photo blog. Note that DR and I are some of the few holdouts (Axler is in there too) in what has become a men's team tradition of not shaving during Jan Camp (a strong zoom may still be required to see the facial hair, however).

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