Saturday, April 30, 2011

President Simmons Postpones A Final Decision

Today, the Athletic Review Committee issued an addendum to its preliminary recommendations after discussions and feedback from current team members, students, parents, and alumni.  The addendum requests that the issue be postponed until Fall 2011 in order to allow students to focus on their final examinations.  Deliberations will continue until the committee's final recommendations are released in three weeks.  The issue will then be taken up at the October meeting of Brown's Corporation.

While this decision guarantees that the team will have a 2011-2012 season, our future is still in question!  So we need your help!  Please continue to write to the committee to let them know how much Brown Skiing means to you!  We also need donations!  Please go to Friends of Brown Skiing and pledge your support so that we can ensure the Brown Ski Team will be here for years to come!

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